When you work with a big enough react project,
… eventually you’re going to come across something written 7+ years ago. Class components, weird imperitive rendering logic, massive page components, or maybe even some ancient redux code from back when it was 95% boilerplate.
I don’t know what good/bad React looks like — my friend who mainly writes Golang, and maybe you idk
I’m not a Library author, an open source maintainer, or Dan Abramov, but I’ve been writing React long enough to have some opinions about what sucks, and what doesn’t. So here are my tips on writing Idiomatic React.
1. Idiomatic, not Idiot Magnet
Idiomatic code refers to a style of programming that adheres to the conventions and best practices of a particular programming language or framework. — thanks google
Rule #1: If you don’t know just check the docs, my guy. I’m serious, the React docs are some of the best out there. They not only tell you what you can do, but also how you might want to do it. I could honestly stop here and you’d be fine, but I’m not done ranting.
2. Friends don’t let friends useEffect
You probably don’t need an effect.
Try to keep your logic inside of callbacks, and only use useEffect
for side effects. If you
absolutely need one, it might be worth breaking out into a custom hook or at the very least
commenting your code to explain why you need it.
3. Just make a subcomponent already
Maybe this is just the repo’s I’m swimming in, but I see these all the time:
renderSomething() {
return (
Lets be real I'm probably using {props.someProp} that we didn't even pass into this function as an argument.
return (
But you'd never know that from looking at the render here.
This pattern is hot garbage. It will technically render but it makes reading your component 10x harder. If you’re writing these, you’re already 90% of the way to writing a new component anyway. Just do it! It will be easier to test, easier to read, and easier to maintain.
4. Derived data isn’t state!
If the data you need is deep in some prop or needs to be mapped over or extracted, just do it
in the body of the component. 90% of the time it’s not even expensive data, and please
for the love of JSX don’t reach for useEffect
or useState
5. It’s 2024, use a query Library
Yes, you can just use fetch
directly in a useEffect
, but DON’T. Inevitably you’ll
need to refetch, or add caching, or add a loading state. And the likelyhood you’ve done
all that correctly is pretty low unless you’re using a library that already did it for you.
If you need data and you aren’t using SSR, a query library will make your life SO much easier.
6. Keep complex conditionals out of your render
I literally saw an IIFE in a render today just so someone could write a switch statement. As soon as you need to compare more than a single boolean, you should just boil it down to a single variable and use that instead.
return (
{someBool && someVar !== 'some value' || someOtherBool && <FinallySomeJSX />}
// easier to read, and you can name it something useful
const showThing = someBool && someVar !== 'some value' || someOtherBool
return (
{showThing && <NotNearlyAsBadJSX />}
7. Write your own hooks
Part of being “declarative” is keeping your logic in the right place. The component should be concerned with what is rendering, and less concerned with how it’s being rendered.
Try to abstract your business logic out of the component as much as possible.
There’s obviously some rules to writing custom hooks,
but the short answer is that if you’re using a lifecycle method, it’s a hook.
Is what you’re doing just manipulating some prop? Write a util. Does your logic need
and effect (ARE YOU SURE? SEE RULE #2) or useState
? Write a custom hook.
This week I had to make a component with 4 different views based on asking for different price quotes and seeing which one was the cheapest. So I wrote a custom hook that called all 4 queries and returned the cheapest one. Each individual query was a hook, and the one that called them all was a hook. This way my component only needed to run a single hook to get the mode it was in, the data it needed, and whether it was loading or not. You can test each individual part in isolation, and you’re component isn’t littered with a ton of variables it doesn’t need in the render.
8. Attack of the 50ft Component
This harks back to #3 a little, but is a different symptom of the same problem When you don’t break up your components, you end up with giant functions. I’ve never met a component that NEEDs to take 10+ props, and if you find yourself writing one, you’re probably doing too much. Break it up into smaller components.
The biggest indicator of a good component is whether you can understand what it’s doing quickly by looking at the render. If you’re squinting to understand it, your subcomponents are either weirdly named, too big, or weighed down with too much logic.