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Snip Snip

Snip Snip

September 24, 2024
3 min read

I cropped an image with clip-path

This was really fun to figure out, so I added a version of this explanation to my PR. I joked that I’d accidentally written a blog post, so now it’s no longer a joke. Anyway, here’s how I used clip-path to mask off the visible portions of an image from a design I was handed:

clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, calc(100% - 34px) 100%, 0 100%, 0 0)

In order to explain how I arrived here, it’s useful to understand how the css polygon util works.

Each argument to the util takes a coordinate in x, y space, much like the HTML canvas, where positive values on x go to the right, and positive values on y go down. The polygon being created is the blue shape below:

example of creating a clip-path polygon

XY Values can be specified in a fixed units, percentages, rem, even a calc() function. Initially, I described all the values as percentages, with the bottom right corner X value being roughly 83%. This looked great on Desktop, but since the percentage is weighed against the total width of the element, on mobile where the image was smaller, the cut ended up having a slightly steeper angle. Instead, I needed to opt for a fixed value that would be the same for mobile & desktop. I knew that the image would be rendered at roughly 200 pixels wide on Desktop, so 200px * 83% = 166px from the left, or 200 - 166 = 34px from the right.

I could have written the 3rd XY point in the polygon as 166px 100%, but it seemed more explicit to describe the length of the cut itself, not the length of the shortened side of the polygon, so using calc I can write that more explicitly as calc(100% - 34px).